Advanced Syntax

Use a simplified language to help you with custom transformations that can be applied to variables in content

Now that you know where to access the code editor from, let's get our hands into writing the actual code that will help your bulk edits turn out faster with your desired changes!

Let's begin with the Basics

Assignment Statements

Used to assign a constant value or a functional output to a variable

{{x}} = 10
{{a}} = "Hello"
{{b}} = 3.14
{{c}} = LEN("Rick and Morty")
{{d}} = {{x}} + 5

Variable/Column Naming

A variable name can be of any character(except { & }). It needs to be always placed in between the braces.

{{My Name}} = "Coulson"


Numbers can be integers and float as per specification.



2 is integer
2.0 is also an integer
2.3 is float


Strings can be used with mathematical operators as in python.
Strings can be either btw " " or ' ', however, the single quotes shouldn't be present in a string enclosed by single quotes and vice versa.

{{a}} = 'Hello Kubric'  <Correct>
{{a}} = 'Hello Kubric's'  <Not Correct>
{{a}} = "Hello Kubric's"  <Correct>
"Hello" + "kubric" returns "Hellokubric"
"Hello" * 3 returns "HelloHelloHello"

Conditional Statements

Used when a statement needs to be executed only when a condition is satisfied

Sample: do "something" only if "this condition" is satisfied.
The keywords (if, elseif, else, end) are case sensitive. Indentation doesn't affect the code. The lines need to be changed after adding the condition and the body of the primary condition is expected to NOT be Empty.

The IF statement

if Condition
  Statment 1
  Statment N
end if

The IF ELSE statement

if Condition
  Statment 1
  Statment N
  Statment 1
  Statment N
 end if

The IF ELSE IF ELSE statement
There can be any number of else-if conditions. Else may or may not follow in the end.

if Condition
  Statment 1
  Statment N
elseif condition

  Statment 1
  Statment N
elseif Condition
  Statment 1
  Statment N

  Statment 1
  Statment N
end if

Nested IFs

if Condition
  Statment 1
  Statment N
  Statment 1
  Statment N
  if Condition
    Statment 1
    Statment N
    Statment 1
    Statment N
  end if
end if

Variables and operators

Temp Variables

If there are some variables that are just for intermediate computation and you want them to be dropped off later, mention 'temp' preceding when you assign the variable the first time.

temp {{a}} = 23*12+{b}
{c} = {a} - 10


Arithmetic Operators


arithmetic operators

Comparison Operators
Note: The operators are case-sensitive.


comparison operators

Boolean Operators
Note: The operators are case-sensitive.


Boolean Operators

Key Words


key words



For safety reasons exponent operation is not supported by this compiler
Assigning multiple values to multiple variables at once isn't. multiple variable assignments is valid only when a function returns more than one output
Eg : {{a}}, {{b}} = 1, 2 →
For temporary variables, The temp prefix is required only once at the time of variable declaration.